Press Releases for promote your event

  • 1158

    How to use Group think and Herd behavior to promote your event successfully?

    At all the events I have been, I have seen again and again the same pattern: a myriad of groups of friends and connections, like-minded, leaders-followers who feel good and secure to be together.

    By : | 10-07-2010 | Events Or Trade Shows:Events Or Trade Shows | Total Views : 1158

  • 1099

    Beginners Guide to Goodbuzz program

    A peer referral network for event organizers and promoters (people who organize often events, promotes events for living).

    By : | 09-28-2010 | Events Or Trade Shows:Events Or Trade Shows | Total Views : 1099

  • 976

    How to promote your event Fast with Goodbuzz

    Imagine how disappointed you would be if after spending days and weeks planning and organizing your event no one showed up.

    By : | 02-09-2011 | Events Or Trade Shows:Events Or Trade Shows | Total Views : 976

  • 586

    How to promote your Event at other events venue?

    Try the following event promotion tips. You can do it alone, but with a guerrilla crew, you’ll be up to something surprisingly effective and valuable.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 586

  • 654

    Event promotion tip: Promote your event at the venue of other events

    Imagine you have an upcoming business event related to marketing on Internet with search engines and social Medias.

    By : | 10-20-2010 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 654